Reflecting on Your Reading Year & Setting New Year's Reading Intentions

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time for us book lovers to take a moment, reflect on our reading journey throughout the past year, and set exciting intentions for the upcoming one.

Whether you're a seasoned bibliophile or just discovering the joy of getting lost in the pages of a book, taking stock of your reading year, assessing your reading habits and setting goals can pave the way for an even more enriching and fulfilling experience ahead.

Looking BackReflecting on Your Reading Year

Assess Your Reading Habits

Take a moment to ponder your reading habits from the past year. Did you manage to stick to a reading routine? Did life's hustle and bustle interfere with your reading time? Understanding your reading patterns can help shape realistic goals for the future. Reflect on when and where you typically read. Perhaps you discovered that early mornings with a cup of coffee or cosy evenings before bed were your ideal reading times.

For more on this topic, check out these two articles:

10 Ways to Create a Daily Reading Routine

Morning vs. Evening Reading: Exploring the Benefits of Different Reading Times

Unveil Your Reading Preferences

What genres dominated your bookshelf this year? Were you steadfast in your favoured genres, or did you venture into uncharted literary territories? Identify the genres that resonated most with you, and recall the tropes and themes that captivated you. Identifying your preferred genres and tropes lays the groundwork for finding new favourites and setting tailored reading goals.

Cherished Authors and Literary Influences

Did you discover new favourite authors or revisit cherished ones? Identify authors whose words spoke to your soul. Reflect on the wordsmiths who mesmerized you with their storytelling prowess. Recognising these influences can guide your choices for the upcoming reading year.

Commend Your Achievements

Take a moment to celebrate milestones along your reading journey. Whether it's completing a challenging book, exploring a new genre, finishing a series, or discovering a new favourite author, acknowledge and relish these accomplishments.

Setting Intentions: Charting Your Reading Goals

Goal Setting and Tracking Progress

Set achievable reading goals for the upcoming year. Whether it's a certain number of books, exploring a new genre, or delving into diverse authors, setting clear goals helps steer your reading journey. Learn how to stay motivated and track your progress.

But setting reading goals doesn't necessarily mean setting an ambitious number of books to read. It's about setting realistic targets that align with your lifestyle and commitments. Quality often surpasses quantity in the realm of reading.

Include diverse elements in your reading goals. Aim to read from different cultures, explore marginalised voices, delve into classics, or focus on specific themes. Diversity not only broadens your perspectives but enriches your reading experience manifold.

Diversify Your Reading Choices

Challenge yourself to explore unfamiliar genres. Step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. Discovering new genres can unlock hidden literary treasures you never knew existed. If you've predominantly been immersed in, say, fantasy or romance, consider venturing into fantasy romance, try romantic or paranormal historical fiction, or something completely different like non-fiction, mystery, or even poetry. You might be surprised by the hidden gems awaiting your perusal.

Start by selecting one book that intrigues you within the new genre. Check out bestseller lists, ask for recommendations from friends or online book communities, or simply browse intriguing book covers that catch your eye. Embrace the unfamiliar and allow yourself to savour the uniqueness of each genre.

Utilize Reading Planners for Enhanced Experience

Maximize your reading experience with effective planning. A reading planner can be your best companion in organising TBR lists, jotting down reflections, and scheduling reading sessions. Explore the benefits of using a reading planner. Maintain a reading journal to record your thoughts, reflections, and favourite quotes not only helps in introspection but also serves as a delightful treasure trove of memories from your reading escapades.

Navigate the Book Selection Maze with Ease

One of the most delightful yet challenging aspects of being a bookworm is deciding which book to read next. Luckily, there are numerous entertaining and innovative ways to navigate this bookish maze and make the selection process an enjoyable adventure. TBR (To Be Read) games and reading challenges inject an element of excitement and spontaneity into your reading journey. They transform the daunting task of picking your next read into a playful experience. Our guide on choosing your next book provides many fun ideas and practical tips to ease your decision-making process.

Harnessing the Power of Reading Rituals

Create Your Reading Sanctuary

Designate a cozy reading nook or a comfortable corner that beckons you to lose yourself in a book. Surround yourself with elements that enhance your reading experience, be it soft blankets, scented candles, or your favorite beverage.

For more on this topic, check out this article:

How to Create a Reading Nook

Establish a Reading Routine

A reading routine can work wonders. Consistency is vital in nurturing a reading habit. Craft a personalized reading routine that aligns with your lifestyle. Incorporate it seamlessly into your daily life to ensure dedicated reading time. Dedicate a specific time each day to immerse yourself in the world of books. Check out our guide on creating a daily reading routine for inspiration.

Mindful Reading Practices

Immerse yourself fully in the present moment while reading. Practice mindfulness by disconnecting from distractions like phones or social media, allowing yourself to absorb every word and emotion the book evokes.

Embrace the Journey Ahead

Remember, your reading journey is unique, and your reading goals should reflect your individual desires and aspirations as a reader. Setting reading goals isn't merely about reaching a numerical target; it's about curating an experience that speaks to your soul, challenges your intellect, and transports you to realms unknown. But mostly, it should be fun!

Also remember, reading goals are your guiding stars, not constraints. Let them inspire you to discover, learn, and grow through the pages of the countless worlds waiting to be explored, but never force you to read anything you're not in the mood for.

So here's to a year filled with literary marvels, diverse stories, and thought-provoking narratives.

Happy reading!

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